Exchanging arguments

      10 20 30 ∘.- 1 2 4 8
 9  8  6  2
19 18 16 12
29 28 26 22

      1 2 4 8 ∘.- 10 20 30
¯9 ¯19 ¯29
¯8 ¯18 ¯28
¯6 ¯16 ¯26
¯2 ¯12 ¯22

Swapping sides exchanges the arguments in each function application, and also changes the order in which results are presented.

       1 2 4 8 ∘.(-) 10 20 30
 9  8  6  2
19 18 16 12
29 28 26 22

The Swap () operator and Transpose () function undo this.
For any function f, the outer product x ∘.f y is equivalent to y ∘.(f) x.