Mathematical Double-struck W (๐•จ)

๐•จ: Left Argument

โ†’full documentation

A variable assigned to the left argument of a block. ๐•Ž can be used to access the left argument as a function.

    5 {๐•จ} 1

    -โ€ฟรท {๐•Ž๐•ฉ}ยจ 4
โŸจ ยฏ4 0.25 โŸฉ

In a call with no left argument, ๐•จ functions as Nothing and ๐•Ž can't be used.

    {(-๐•จ)โ‹ˆ๐•ฉ} 6
โŸจ 6 โŸฉ

    2 {(-๐•จ)โ‹ˆ๐•ฉ} 6
โŸจ ยฏ2 6 โŸฉ