Barb ()

𝕩: Deshape

→full documentation

Put all elements of 𝕩 in a rank 1 array, promoting to an array if necessary.

⟨ 1 ⟩

     12  34
⟨ 1 2 3 4 ⟩

𝕨 𝕩: Reshape

→full documentation

Put all elements of 𝕩 in an array of shape 𝕨, removing elements or repeating them cyclically if necessary.

A single element in 𝕨 can be a function, which will be replaced with an appropriate length:

    33  3
╵ 3 3 3  
  3 3 3  
  3 3 3  

    22  123
╎ 1 2  
  3 1  

    22  123
╎ 1 2  
  3 0  