Square Original Of ()

𝕩: Classify

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Translate major cells of 𝕩 to unique ID numbers based on first occurrence.

⟨ 0 1 2 2 0 3 ⟩

    a  33  012909012

⟨ 0 1 0 ⟩

𝕨 𝕩: Index Of

→full documentation

First index of each major cell of 𝕩 in 𝕨. Rank of 𝕩 must be at least cell rank of 𝕨.

If a cell is not found in 𝕨, the length of 𝕨 (𝕨) is used for that position.

    562251  5716
⟨ 0 6 5 1 ⟩

    b  33  012909012

    b  909
⟨ 1 ⟩